
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Comedy Timing

Been rewriting my romantic comedy, WEDDING KNIGHT, and haven't had time to blog in a while.

I did, however, receive a comment that this was good information "for a comedy writer in the 1950s."

First, thanks for the feedback. Glad to know someone out there still knows how to read.

Second, if you were to take a course in screenwriting you would likely begin reading a book by Aristotle called THE POETICS.

That book is at least as old as the 1950s but you might doublecheck me on that.

The point is: The rules don't change.

The techniques are still there ready to be used. In fact, if you study the silent era masters (Chaplin and Keaton) these films are better than anything made since. American film comedy was at its apex before sound arrived. Shocking, huh?

Comedy is becoming a lost craft. I've sat through several recent films billed as "comedies" that had fewer than ten laughs in the entire film. One (and I may be working with these filmmakers/producers one day so I won't mention it by name) had ZERO laughs in the entire film.

Go back to the basics. Learn the craft. From there develop your own style.

I am beginning work soon on an eBook which will expand the theories discussed in this blog. Updates on that project to follow...


  1. The rules of drama don't change.

    Styles that current audiences react to do.

    If you think modern comedies are horrible, what chance do you have? Those are the movies that are being made.

    Like I said, if you were in the 1950s, you'd fit right in.

    And by the way, in your K word example, "eek" has a K in it.



  3. What chance to I have? I'll keep ya posted.

    My belief is that when modern audiences see real comedy they'll laugh at it and I'll make lots of money as a result. Stay tuned to find out if I'm right.
