
Sunday, July 28, 2024

"Don't kiss the newborn baby!"

 Newborns have soft skin and are squishy little cute suckers. But here's something you learn as a new parent: don't let anyone kiss your newborn baby. They haven't built immunity and that kiss can, in fact, be deadly. 

Anyone even holding a newborn should wash hands and, these days, mask up.

What's that got to do with screenwriting?

We have a loosely formed idea for a story. Some characters; some situations; and some early possibilities for story beats. What do we do? We try to tell our story idea to a friend, partner, mentor, and... it falls apart. We let someone kiss the baby!

Wait until you've worked out a treatment, and story beats, you want something fully formed in your own mind before you share it.

Well-meaning friends may derail your story, suggest something they'd write instead, or just crap on your idea destroying the enthusiasm it takes to pursue any artistic endeavor.  

They can enjoy the toddler version of your story. Until then, no kissing!

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